Benefits of Hiring a Private Investigator for a Corporate Background Check

background check asg private investigatorNearly 96% of U.S. businesses perform some type of employee background check during their hiring procedure. And yet, the national annual employee turnover rate is a whopping 44.3%. There’s no doubt employee checks are essential and keep the average HR department hopping, but that may be part of the problem. Outsourcing your background checks can do a lot to improve overall business success, but what are the main benefits of hiring a private investigator for corporate background checks?

Deeper Focus on Actual Screening Requirements

Most pre-employment screening checks focus on the bare minimum needed to hire a decent candidate for an open position. HR departments generally look for previous criminal behavior, employee reference and education verification, driver’s license, and credit checks. But deeper checks can discover how the individual behaves on a personal basis, deeper training credentials, and previous employments concerns that are hidden deeper than what’s available through the info printed on a typical resume.

Improved Accuracy and Internal Privacy

Simple mistakes such as typos and multitasking errors can lead to corrupted background data and even eventual hacking and loss of sensitive business information. An overworked or understaffed HR department can accidentally leak personal information on existing employees, new employees, and even financial information on the business itself just by hitting the wrong keys. The right Michigan private investigator focuses on due diligence and the singular task and triple checks the work to ensure accuracy and internal privacy from start to finish.

There Are Less Legal Risks or Worries

Background checks have legal limitations, and companies can’t ask specific questions to potential employees. The right private investigator, however, knows the up-to-date laws and regulations as well as how far they can push those checks without hitting those legal limits. That could result in far better information for the business without risking the company’s reputation or facing potential lawsuits over asking the wrong questions.

Outsourcing Can Save You Money

Unless your HR team is already exceedingly high skilled and has extensive professional experience with background checks, piling them with the extra weight of new checks can cost your business a lot more in the long run. Background check fees range from a few bucks to hundreds on their own. Add in overtime, extra payroll for more HR staff or training, and the potential outcome of mistakes, and you’re looking at far more than a private investigator would charge to just do it right from the beginning.

Overall Peace of Mind and Less Turnover

According to the BLS, there were almost 21,000 reported injuries and illnesses as a result of workplace assaults in 2018 alone. Approximately 453 of those resulted in fatalities. A decent background check will disclose basic criminal risks and behaviors, but it won’t necessarily dig into the deeper concerns regarding workplace safety risks. As the world slowly returns to its physical workforce, why take the chance of putting your employees in jeopardy when there’s a much easier solution? Give ASG Investigations a call to hire the best Michigan private investigator to handle your corporate background checks.


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