Interested in Submitting a Guest Blog Post?

Write for Us! Submit a Guest Blog Post

Guest Blog PostAre you interested in submitting a guest blog post on You’ve come to the right place. Please fully read these guidelines before submitting a piece to our editorial team.

Please note that we publish a limited number of new articles each week and periodically new submissions that meet our requirements may wait 2- 3 weeks before being posted.

Guest Blog Post Topics We Accept

Important: These are the topics ASG Investigations now covers. If the subject of your contributed “how to” article (see next section on content types) does not relate to one of the following, we’re unlikely to consider it for publication; but do think of them as broad categories rather than narrow topics:

  1. Private Investigations
  2. Background Checks
  3. Investigations
  4. OSINT
  5. Employee Screening
  6. Executive Background Checks
  7. Reputational Due Diligence / Character Due Diligence
  8. Surveillance
  9. Employee Misconduct
  10. Risk Management
  11. Competitive Intelligence
  12. Private Intelligence
  13. Intellectual Property Theft
  14. Locating People
  15. Corporate Investigations

Types of Guest Blog Post Content We Publish

Here’s a list of what we publish from guest contributors:

  • Bylined “how-to” articles
  • Summaries of research findings based on polls, surveys, and research studies conducted by marketers, academia, PR firms, and other researchers
  • Bylined thought-leadership articles (op/ed-type pieces)
  • Infographics

How to Get Your Byline Published on

Following these guidelines will increase your chances of getting your article published on

  • Don’t send us an article that has been posted elsewhere or engage in other spammy techniques.
  • Write from an objective viewpoint and convey valuable how-to information to the reader. Focus on practical advice, actionable tips, and useful know-how about a specific topic. Bullet points are good. Meandering text is not.
  • Use a fresh, approachable voice. You are a person writing for other people. Sound like one.
  • Offer clear takeaways for our (and your) audience — attorneys, HR professionals, corporate counsel, risk managers, insurance claims professionals, investigators and the like.
  • Articles should be at least 450-1,000 words, but no more than 1,200 or so. Feel free to include images, charts, graphs, and the like—but only if they help convey a point. (**We reserve the right to use images other than those you submit to us. )
  • Articles should be original to the author and unpublished elsewhere. (Infographics can have appeared elsewhere.)
  • Include a brief bio of 25 words, including LinkedIn and Twitter contact info, if available.
  • Include relevant links immediately preceding the words to be linked (the anchor text); do not embed the links in the anchor text (but feel free to underline that anchor text).
  • Submit articles in Microsoft Word format (no PDF or other file types, please), as email attachments.
  • If you submit an article that mentions businesses or companies in which you have a vested interest, disclose as much to us and the audience.
  • ### The best way of all to help you get published here is if you offer a quality place for us to publish an article. It can be on a site you control or on a third-party site, either is great with us. ###

Send byline submissions to Include “ASG Guest Blog Submission” in your email subject line so it doesn’t get lost or mistaken for spam.

Important: We are very selective about publishing content, particularly from other private investigators or employee screening firms. You get why. If you are posting an article from one of these types of firms, and we feel that you are not a competitor and that your firm appears reputable, we might go for it. Please don’t be offended if we pass.

If your article is accepted for publication, we will inform you; expect to hear from us within a week or two of our having received your email. If we don’t accept your article, you may or may not hear from us, depending on how crowded our inbox is. If you haven’t followed the above guidelines, you likely won’t hear back.

My Article Was Selected for Publication. Now What?

  • Your article will be edited for clarity and brevity.
  • We may change your headline, too, so you might want to suggest alternatives.
  • The author retains copyright and may republish the article on his/her personal or company blog or site after the article has been published on In such cases, we ask that you cite ASG and link to the original article on our site.
  • We do not pay guest contributors for their articles.

How to Get Your Infographic on

Infographics submissions should include introductory text—about 100–125 words—to help set up the graphic. You won’t get a byline for that text; think of it more as a press release.


Accredited PBSA

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