Criminal History Background Checks

criminal history background checksHiring the best employees can be an arduous task, and many businesses fail miserably, losing millions in potential revenue in the process. But the smart employers know how to dig deeper into their applicants by conducting the right background checks. Since 2003, the Ban the Box movement has helped millions of applicants get their foot in the door towards gainful employment by bypassing the criminal activity question on the initial employment application. That’s great for those who have just gotten a slap on the wrist a time or two. Of course, the closer the applicant gets to the finish line, the deeper the hiring manager needs to go into their background. But what are the benefits of running criminal history background checks on your prospective hires?

Criminal History Background Checks Lead to Better Hires

According to national research, approximately 81% of businesses admit to making at least one bad hire per year. Unfortunately, nearly 70% of those bad hires took over 6 weeks to get corrected so the business could continue thriving. In some cases, it took almost 9 weeks for the company to realize a bad hire was made, leading to extra work from existing staff and extra financial resources spent from the company itself to right the wrong. The right criminal background checks can help you avoid that right from the start.

They Can Protect Your Existing Employees

Employers are responsible for the safety and security of their employees. But that entails more than the right job training and worker’s comp coverage in place. Hiring employees with previous harassment or violent pasts can put your existing employees at risk. Again, mistakes are inevitable in life. But someone who has changed and taken the steps necessary to improve their life won’t hide those details from an employer. Criminal background checks can verify those claims or highlight a potential problem.

They Can Improve and Secure Your Bottom Line

Any profit-based business’ fundamental success depends on its overall revenue. Let’s face it, a company cannot survive without the right staff and bad hires can lead to sudden and continuous loss of income. In fact, a single bad hire can cost a business 30% of the wrongfully hired employee’s annual salary. Businesses tend to make several bad hires until they get in a good groove with the right background checks, so a good criminal history check can go a long way to secure the bottom line of your business right from the start.

Background Check Experts Can Perform Your Checks Quickly and Easily

Overworked HR departments can waste precious time and resources trying to handle all the background check needs themselves if they’re not careful. Social media checks can result in rabbit holes, headaches, and even potential discrimination claims. Diving into basic online background sites can be a waste of time and money investing in paid websites that provide the same limited information. The truth is, a professional criminal history background check can be completed within a few days and fit easily into your company’s budget. When you’re ready to avoid bad hires, give ASG Investigations a call to connect to a background check expert.


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