4 Reasons Families May Need a Private Investigator

family private investigatorThe concept of private investigation may spur thoughts of exciting car chases, legal cases, and extensive police affairs. However, the truth is there are several reasons anyone could benefit from the assistance of a professional PI. But what are some reasons families may need a private investigator?

Child Custody Evidence

According to one nationwide decade-long study (and little has changed since those reports), approximately 91% of child custody cases are settled out of court. Only 4% of actual cases end up in court, and both parents agree that the mother should be the custodian in just over 51% of those cases. So long gone are the days when custody was almost always awarded to the maternal parent. Many unwed fathers skip and run after the romantic relationship ends, but good fathers do have decent chances of being awarded sole or primary custody of their children. This is especially true if they can prove they’re the safer and more secure solution for their kids.

Elder Abuse Concerns

Elder abuse is defined as intentional acts or the refusal of actions that propose risks of endangerment or result in harm or injury to an elderly adult. The five forms of elder abuse include emotional and psychological abuse, financial abuse, neglect, physical abuse, and sexual abuse. Self-neglect is also a common issue with the elderly, and it can be hard to tell if it’s due to personal issues or actual trauma and abuse from a caregiver. While professional geriatric care providers are common perpetrators, adult children and other family members are most often the abusers. A private investigator can confirm the origin of the problem so your older loved ones can live the rest of their days in peace.

Relationship and Marital checks

Relationships are hard, regardless of whether you’re married. Trust can be a major hurdle in re-entering the dating game once you’ve been a victim of infidelity, and many people opt to wait years before rolling the dice again. There are currently over 30 million people using US online dating sites, and over 25 million people use dating apps on their smartphones to swipe or scroll on the go. Of course, that perfect match you think you’re talking to on the other end of the screen may be hiding some serious secrets from you… and potentially their spouse. According to IFS, Institute for Family Studies, 40% of marriages that disclose or discover infidelity end in divorce compared to 17% of marriages that remain faithful. If your intuition is buzzing, that could be a sign that you need a private investigator to help you find the answers once and for all.

Teenage Activity Checks

Parenting is not for the weak, and it only gets harder as the kids get older. Most teens love the fact that they can have more independence, driving privileges, and time with friends outside of the glaring eye of overbearing or overprotective parents. While your teens may think and feel that they’re adults, they’re still far from it, and slippery slopes can lead to serious trouble. Teenage activity checks have become popular for parents who want to keep track of their kids and make sure they’re heading down the right path without breaking that thin strand of trust and communication that moody teens tend to dangle. Give us a call when you need a private investigator to get the answers you deserve.


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