Discretion Expertise Results
Locate Investigations
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Do you need to find a missing person, locate someone, find address: However you are searching for a person, you have come to the right place for fast, affordable professional help locating someone. There are many reasons why you may need to locate someone. Our job is to help you do so.
We are not a “People Finder Instant Search” database company that gives you old, outdated public record information. We are licensed private investigators specializing in finding people, quickly and cost effectively. We have access to data, sources and other specialists that allow us to get you the result you want, not excuses.
We find not only your subject’s address(es). We also provide you with a current telephone number(s) for them when available.
Why pay someone to find information you already have? When you work with ASG, the more information you have about the subject, the less it will cost you.
Our basic locate investigations start at as little as two hours of investigative time and fewer than 25% take more than that amount to complete.
Obviously, some people are harder to locate than others. Those wanted by law enforcement, hiding from creditors, drug users and others require more work to locate than the average person. We encourage you to tell us as much as possible about the person we are trying to locate ahead of time so we can give you an accurate perspective about the time and cost required.

What makes our missing person and people locate investigations stand out from the crowd:
- We are Private Investigators, not a database search company
- We provide 80 years of professional experience and judgment
- We GUARANTEE to meet your deadlines, not ours
- We tell you where all of information we provide came from
- We have an actual investigator to speak with about your locate investigation
- Our people locate investigations are conducted by investigators, not databases. Tell us about your concerns and we focus on what you know about and care about most.
- We provide a detailed report of our findings
- As Licensed Private Investigators, our relationship is strictly CONFIDENTIAL
We encourage you to call us today to discuss your situation and have an investigator explain the process and results to be obtained. The call is completely confidential and toll free.
Note: the locate investigations described here are for traditional locates of adults. They are NOT designed to locate missing children or birth parents of adopted individuals. For information on either of those services, please contact one of our investigators directly at 888-677-9700.
Note: We will not accept all assignments and we do not investigate celebrities or political figures.

Most of the “Background Check” and People Finder web sites that you will find on the Internet are nothing more than sites that automatically search through FREE public record sources or buy old outdated information and resell it to you at 20 times the cost. This is particularly true for the “Instant background check” companies. The results they give you: Fast but meaningless data or data that is comprised of information you likely already knew. Ironically, they forget to tell you that there is little or no chance that their background check will find anything meaningful and that the super people finder search will only find old addresses that you already knew about. The companies that sell this type of information are data brokers, not licensed private investigators and cannot give you the accuracy you want.