Discretion Expertise Results
Prominent Clients Investigative Services
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Prominent Client Investigative Services require discretion, finesse, and efficiency. You face exceptional challenges given your prominence, whether you are a public figure, celebrity, politician, or particularly notable member of your community. Confidentiality in all matters is paramount for you, and this is something we take very seriously. Before going into any conflictual situation (i.e, a new investment or starting a new business) it’s better to have all questions answered beforehand. Investigative services for prominent clients are not specific to one issue—they solve a myriad of problems and provide the intel you need to make informed decision.
Why Prominent Clients Hire Private Investigators
In some cases, the situation may not be all that complicated, but asking questions or seeking information will be far more noticeable when coming from a well-known person or even one of your friends or handlers. In the hands of an experienced investigator, your private matter will be handled thoroughly and without limitations. The roadblocks you are likely to encounter on your own will be far easier for an expert to break through with extensive resources, databases, surveillance expertise, and more. Prominent client investigative services are a necessity when it comes to finding out the answers you need before getting into a messy situation, or even during.

Common Reasons You May Need Prominent Client Investigative Services
Suspicion of Infidelity:
When you suspect you are being cheated on, chances are that tabloids and gossips will claim they can give you the scoop. Their information is not always reliable, no matter how damning grainy photographic evidence may be. Infidelity investigations are tricky matters that you will have difficulty confirming on your own. Having a recognizable face or name will make it nearly impossible for you to do the kind of undercover work necessary to get the proof you need. Private investigators bridge that gap. Moreso than other investigations, discretion is a must in these situations; it’s important to work with a team of professionals you can trust to keep your investigation under wraps.
Wrongfully Accused of a Crime:
If a well-known person is anywhere near a crime, it is far more interesting for reporters to try to wrap that person up into the crime. Perhaps you are associated with an unfortunate crew of people. Maybe you have a checkered past that is clouding others’ opinions of you and allowing them to rush to judgment. However, if you legally find yourself in a predicament where you are being wrongfully accused of a crime you did not commit, you may need Prominent Client Investigative Services from a team of experts who represent your best interests. In these situations, private investigators help you establish the solid proof that you did nothing wrong, while at the same time helping identify the person who did.

It is not unusual for high-profile clients to find themselves being blackmailed by enterprising fans or foes. These individuals may attempt to carry out their crimes anonymously, but private investigators have the resources to unearth the characters who are behind extortion attempts and save you, your bank account, your family, and your reputation.
Civil Matters:
You didn’t do what someone said you should. Or they didn’t do what you said they should. Contracts have been signed, or they haven’t. Bottom line – you’re being sued in a civil case either personally or professionally. And you need proof to help argue your case. Your attorney may reach out to a private investigator to collect necessary details – but you also have the option to hire your own private investigator.

Child Custody Issues:
When you are a prominent figure and have children, a divorce and child custody issues can further complicate what is already a rather complicated life. Your former spouse or partner may be keeping your children from you, or you may be the person who is doing everything you can to keep your children away from your former unstable partner. The matter may involve needing proof that your ex is sloughing your children off to a nanny instead of spending time with them or introducing them to unsavory people or current temporary partners when this is a situation you have not prepared them to handle. Discretionary, guided surveillance is only one of the prominent client investigative services we see make a difference daily.
Divorce Matters:
If you’re in the throes of a divorce, there are multiple reasons you, as a prominent client, may need proof of your soon-to-be ex’s behavior to bolster your case before you get to divorce court. Perhaps you need hard evidence showing infidelity, gambling, addiction, or other unsavory behaviors. Maybe you’re not getting paid the alimony you are owed. You may need assistance with asset discovery if you are certain that your mingled assets (and even your prenup) were not completely thorough and transparent. Bottom line: If you’re a high-profile client and going through a divorce, Prominent Client Investigative Services can be your best friend and finest asset.

Confidentiality Above All
Prominent Client Investigative Services are professional services; at the end of the day, professionals do not pass judgment—we are not in the position of judging you for your name, occupation, or current complication. We are simply here to aid you in a the most professional manner, collecting evidence in whatever situation you need it. Whether you are seeking peace of mind, require solid physical proof of an act, or otherwise, the private investigators at ASG are prepared to help you with whatever Prominent Client Investigative Services you may need – and we will do it all confidentially.
Our expert investigators know that you require tact, great care, and an investigation that is completely confidential from start to finish. It is not easy to trust a stranger with your very personal matter, especially when a revelation about your concerns going public could be career-ending or forever tarnish your reputation.
As a fully licensed and insured Michigan based company, we are protected by laws in Michigan’s Professional Investigator act. This act protects our clients, especially those in need of prominent client investigative services, from anyone who might be trying to find out about their situation. Let’s face it, as a well-known individual, people are regularly trying to figure out your personal business, and not all of it is good for public relations. In Michigan, these laws protect us in the sense that we do not have to divulge any of the following:
- Who our clients are
- Who we are investigating
- Any reasoning behind being at a particular site or location
Unlike law enforcement, there is no “Public Record” when it comes to our Prominent Client Investigative Services. No company or entity can request copies of any investigative files—only in the event of a court order can we potentially have to divulge information; even then, it’s still unlikely.
Why Choose ASG Investigations for Prominent Client Investigative Services?
At ASG, your case is assigned to one of our prominent client service specialists who will treat all matters with the utmost discretion. Do not let your problem fester until it’s too late: we promise this service to all our clients – you can trust that the same professional promises of strict confidentiality and anonymity hold true, especially for high-profile clients.
ASG has had the privilege of serving some of the nation’s highest-profile individuals. From professional athletes to actors, business leaders to wealthy families, we are here to serve you and help you in your time of need. Contact ASG Investigations to discuss your prominent client investigative services today!