Protect Your Business with a Post-COVID Background Check

post-covid background checkCovid has seriously impacted the world since it started unleashing its reign of terror in 2019. In fact, over 200,000 businesses closed due to the pandemic during the first year alone. Fortunately, American knows how to bounce back, even when faced with uncertainty. As high unemployment rates start to taper off and fall, background checks are becoming more important than ever for stable businesses. But how can the right post-covid background check help protect your business?

Verify Your Candidates

Identity theft reports may not be as popular as they once were via media and newsgroups. But identity theft incidents actually doubled between 2019 and 2020. While the idea of claiming to be someone else to get a job may seem outlandish, it does actually happen. Hiring the wrong person for any reason can be an expensive mistake to any business, especially considering the hiring process already costs businesses money upfront. The right background check can ensure the person you’re interviewing is really who they claim to be.

Verify Qualifications

According to Checkster, nearly 80% of applicants lie on their resumes or elsewhere during the hiring process. Almost all businesses deal with this to some degree, and a lot of hiring managers let the lies slide. Depending on the job and requirements involved, there may be some leeway there. But accidents happen more often to people who can’t keep up with their work expectations. A simple check can help limit the risks.

Protect Your Employees

It’s an employer’s responsibility to provide a safe and secure work site for all its employees. Different opinions and clashing personalities can still lead to aggression at times. But a toxic workplace can be avoided by ensuring new and existing employees have the necessary temperament and patience levels to handle the job expectations. Running a post-covid background check for new and current employees can help ensure the focus remains where it needs to be.

Protect Your Data and Cybersecurity

According to global research, cybersecurity threats affect approximately 35% of businesses worldwide. And those threats increased almost 50% between 2018 and 2020. The sheer number of pandemic-forced (or encouraged) home workers has helped those numbers soar. After all, many businesses need to make their sensitive data available on in-house servers so select employees can access the information even while working remotely. That doesn’t mean your customer and client information is in danger, but it increases the security risks. Regular and post-covid background checks should be run on any current and transitioning employees who may have access to such information to ensure it stays in safe hands.

Maintain Proper and Legal Compliance

Failing to keep up with the changing rules and regulations surrounding labor laws can be a pain in the neck. Moreover, that failure can lead to fees and even incarceration if you’re not careful. The right post-covid background check for existing and incoming employees can ensure everyone’s legally able and qualified to perform the job they’re hired to do. Keeping up with the regulations can be a stressful and complex task. Fortunately, you don’t have to do it alone. Give ASG Investigations a call when you’re ready, and we’ll help you get your post-covid background checks in order.


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