Hiring a real private investigation agency gives you meaningful, actionable intelligence rather than pages of questionable information.

actionable intelligenceInformation seems easy to get these days. A simple Internet search can reveal reams of data. But, how much of that information is accurate and meaningful? In fact, when asked how much of the information found on the web was reliable and accurate, only 12% of the respondents indicated “all,” while the vast majority felt that a “small portion,” or “some” of the information was credible (Pew Research). Skepticism, of course, varied by the type of site.

Surprisingly, even Vinton Cerf, vice president and Chief Internet Evangelist at Google, acknowledged the unreliability of information found online with this statement: “The wealth (I use this word gingerly) of information found on the Internet is seemingly limitless. On the other hand, it is of such uneven quality that some of us feel compelled to exercise due diligence before accepting anything in particular.”

You Have Questions – We Have Real Answers

So, while it’s tempting to do your own “investigative” work when you need answers, you may end up with unreliable or even misleading data that can cause more harm than good if acted upon. Professional investigators do much more than simply gather information; they compile actionable intelligence from many more places than the internet.

In other words, they provide answers to your questions and reliable data that helps you make better assessments. They gather a lot more wheat – and separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak – so you end up with an intelligence edge and the ability to make the best possible decisions.

“Intelligence gathering” may sound expensive, but don’t let the fancy terminology scare you! Hiring a professional investigation agency is much more affordable than you think. What’s more, it saves you countless hours of searching for the “right” information online; and because you end up with more accurate, meaningful information, it helps you make better decisions, which can save you both time and money in the long run.

For example, thorough, professional background checks and intelligence gathering can:

  • Collect real competitive intelligence in your market.
  • Know someone’s “real” past and understand their character.
  • Understand the connections between people and their relationships.
  • Save you the time and expense (and possible PR nightmare) of making a bad hire for your company.
  • Make the case for attorneys during litigation.
  • Conduct real due diligence investigations before investing or partnering.
  • Offer peace-of-mind in sensitive personal matters.

Knowing What to Look For and Where to Find It

Intelligence gathering involves knowing what to look for and where to find it. While “internet detectives” and “information websites” offer outdated, unreliable information obtained from data brokers, professional investigators have access to many different types of data from a wide variety of sources. More importantly, professional investigators have the training and expertise to find the best answers to your questions, efficiently.

Of course, not all private investigators are created equally. When you are hiring a professional investigative agency, look for:

  • Experts in different areas – Private investigations can take on many forms, from background checks and surveillance to attorney services and corporate due diligence. The most qualified private investigative services have experts in each area instead of being a “jack of all trades.” For example, do they have a dedicated Attorney Services Group, which works strictly with attorneys and their clients? Do they offer specialists within divisions for Private Client Services and Corporate Client Services? Having specialists can ensure that your job will be completed more professionally and efficiently.
  • Experience and credentials – Anyone can call themselves a “private investigator,” but not everyone is licensed, experienced and has earned a reputation for being trustworthy and professional. Make sure the agency you hire is licensed and ask how long they have been in business. What is the background and credentials of the company’s investigators? While investigations are confidential, you may be able to talk to clients in general terms about the firm’s service level.
  • Flexibility – Every case is unique, which means that a good private investigation agency will work with you to tailor its services to fit your specific needs. A firm that offers a “one-size- fits-all” menu of services will probably end up costing you more money, while providing “standard” results. Look for an agency that offers different levels of services, including affordable options for less complicated cases, and customized investigations.

Intelligence Solves Problems

Intelligence can be defined as the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills; as well as the collection of valuable information. A reputable private investigative agency does both. We apply our expertise to compile actionable intelligence that helps people make good decisions and solve problems, both big and small.

When you need answers instead of just information, consult with a professional.

How can we solve your problem? Since 1999, ASG Investigations has represented a diverse range of clients ranging from individuals, law firms and start-ups to Fortune 500 corporations providing corporate investigations and risk management services. Whatever the size or the complexity of the issue at hand, our clients know they can count on the expertise, experience and flexibility of ASG. Call us today at (888) 677-9700 for your investigation needs.


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