Michigan Employee Screening is Like Getting Your Car Repaired

Michigan Employee ScreeningAlthough auto repair and Michigan employee screening seem to be completely unrelated, they do share some attributes that no one enjoys. When you get your car repaired by a mechanic, the law in Michigan mandates that you get a quote in writing for the specifics of the repair and that if it involves replacing parts, that you receive the replaced parts from the mechanic. This is the result of rampant, shady business practices on the part of mechanics. These mechanics, much like many of the Michigan employee screening services out there, were telling customers that they need this repair or that service, and the customer has no idea if they do or not. When the customer doesn’t understand how things under the hood work, they must learn auto repair themselves or blindly accept what the “professional” says. The bad news is that, just like with Michigan employee screening firms, that knowledge gap can lead to you buying incomplete, inaccurate, unneeded and overpriced services. The really bad news with employee background checks is that you will likely not figure out that you were duped until a bad hire blows up and her or his real background is revealed.


Don’t Be Fooled: Real Michigan Employee Screening Cannot Be Done Instantly

So, the next question is: what’s in a real Michigan background check? Unfortunately, each Michigan employee screening firm gets to pick, and that leads to confusion, misunderstanding and substandard backgrounds. So you are not fooled, here are the crucial elements:

Geography: Records are found at a variety of levels. Think about how our government works and you will get the general idea. We have federal, state and local levels and each keeps their own records (i.e Michigan courts, state agencies, municipal courts, etc.)  and they are not interconnected, nor are all those records in some database. So that means that any quality Michigan employee screening company will tell you that they need to search at those different levels of records and they also need to search where ever the applicant has lived in the past seven years. So, if your applicant lived in three places in the past seven years, the search needs to cover all of those areas, not just where they currently live.

Instant: Technology has made the entire Michigan employee screening process faster and more efficient for employers and applicants, but it has not made instant searching a reality. Regrettably, many firms and websites offering Michigan employee screening services have elected to create an instant background check package. They know that these instant backgrounds are incomplete, but they also tell you that in the fine print of the disclaimer they issue. They leave it up to you to understand that their search is incomplete and assume that you are sacrificing quality for speed as an informed customer. In reality, all of their marketing pushes the idea that they are giving you a complete Michigan background check.

Meaning: When you engage a company to perform your Michigan employee screening, you are asking them to conduct that background check search and give you what they find. That means they are here to find records that relate to your applicant, based upon the search criteria you selected, and to give you those findings. Nothing more. They are not here to decide if an employer should use that information to hire or deny that applicant a job.

Expert Help is Available 855-997-2800

To learn more about how ASG can help you by providing real, meaningful Michigan employee screening services that are customized to your specific needs, visit our Michigan Employee Screen services page and call us today. The consultation is free and is given by an expert professional investigator. If you are seeking a Michigan background check that is not for employee screening purposes, chick here. 855-997-2800



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