Professional Pre-Employment Background Checks Can Save You Time and Money

Professional investigative services can’t guarantee a good hire, but they can provide the information you need to make better decisions and therefore, reduce your risks, saving you time, money and, ultimately, headaches. Think of it as an investment in your company and its future success.

Background Checks Save Time

True story: After making several hiring mistakes, Company XYZ made some major improvements in their interviewing process. They followed a set list of questions, used multiple tiers of interviewers and required pre-employment background checks. Unfortunately, they chose to use an “instant” online service, which led to less than ideal results.

Two months after they hired a new sales manager, during which they invested a considerable amount of time and training, another employee discovered a big problem. The new sales manager had a drug habit. And, although he hid it well, a thorough pre-employment background check would have found evidence in this case.

Saving Money Can Be Costly

Recruitment and hiring are unavoidably costly, which is why companies work hard to reduce turnover and retain talent. However, even with the best hiring practices, companies inevitably make mistakes. Some are unavoidable, such as finding out a new employee is not as qualified as they seemed, but thorough, professional pre-employment background checks can help you avoid hiring someone with a known issue.

Is your new hire a sex offender, a stalker, a conman, or does he/she have a history of alcohol or drug abuse? If you think these issues are uncommon, simply look at the news these days!

The cost of making a bad hire varies from company to company and position to position, but it’s safe to say that it negatively impacts companies in many ways, including lost training costs, productivity, employee morale, recruiting fees and compensation. Not to mention having to start the process over!

A study by the Society for Human Resource Management found that the average cost to hire an employee is $4,129. For companies with a large number of employees, it’s easy to see how these costs can add up. For example, the online company, Zappos, recently found it was spending $100 million on bad hires!1

Obviously, pre-employment background checks can’t prevent all hiring mistakes, but they can help mitigate your risks. When you consider the high costs involved, why would you rely on cheap, unreliable pre-employment background checks?

Choose Wisely

There are many options for getting pre-employment background checks these days – many of them are quick and cheap, especially those that advertise themselves as “instant background checks.” However, these “internet detectives” typically rely on old databases or data brokers. They automatically search through free public record sources or buy outdated information and resell it to you at 20 times the cost. The information is, more often than not, incomplete and unreliable, which wastes your time and money.

If you’re looking for REAL, accurate information, it’s wise to rely on expert investigators. When choosing a full-service investigative agency, be sure to look for:

  • Licensed private investigators that specialize in conducting pre-employment background checks – These experts have access to up-to-date information and can find the data you need quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively.
  • Customized services – The term “background check” is a generic one. Each background check is different and the level of depth you want to go into is nearly limitless. The best agencies offer tailored pre-employment background checks that fit your specific needs. Ask the agency if they have a team of experts who specialize in providing customized pre-employment background checks of any size or scope.
  • Comprehensive, usable reports – Your time is valuable. The last thing you want to do is wade through pages of useless information. An experienced investigative agency knows how to provide a detailed background check in a succinct, easy-to-understand report versus a data dump. Be sure to ask what the “final product” will be.
  • People versus computers – When you hire a professional investigative agency, you speak with people who want to deliver the results you’re looking for. They will ask questions, determine your needs, concerns, deadline and budget – something a computerized “search” company can’t do. Talk to an actual investigator and develop a relationship based on trust.
  • Confidentiality – A professional private investigative agency guarantees confidentiality, from the first explorative phone call or meeting to the delivery of your background check results. Ask the agency for a free consultation before hiring them.

Professional investigative services can’t guarantee a good hire, but they can provide the information you need to make better decisions and therefore, reduce your risks, saving you time, money and, ultimately, headaches. Think of it as an investment in your company and its future success.


Looking for a trusted partner to conduct pre-employment background checks? ASG Investigations provides comprehensive, accurate date conducted by real people. Our experts offer a unique solution for actionable information. Call us for a free, confidential consultation at 888-677-9700 or visit us at


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