Michigan Volunteer Screening in Full Swing

With summer kicking off this weekend, our Michigan Volunteer Screening group is kicking into high gear performing background checks on volunteers of all sorts. Each summer there are literally hundreds of festivals, fairs, fireworks displays, antique sales, cook offs, charity fundraisers as well as church related retreats and events held throughout Michigan. Nearly all of these events rely on volunteers to run them. These volunteers are absolutely necessary to hold a fun, safe event. The overwhelming majority of these event volunteers in Michigan are good, honest people who work hard and are a pleasure to have around.

But what happens if one of your event volunteers turns out to be the bad apple?

What happens if they steal from the attendees? What happens if they serve alcohol to a minor? What if they are drunk while working at the event and some is injured? What if a volunteer is a registered sex offender? What happens if they hurt a child?

Michigan Volunteer ScreeningWhat is even more important to focus on is the answer to these questions:

  • Who pays for the massive civil judgement against your organization for letting something happen that could have been prevented?
  • What happens to your organization when the media reports on the injury and that your organization allowed that to happened, but it could have been prevented?
  • Who in our organization supports the idea of skipping the background check on volunteers that could prevent so many of these potential issues?

If you are like most American’s you want to protect your organization, your volunteers and the public by having a competent agency like ASG perform Michigan volunteer screening background checks. The process is fast, easy and reliable. Don’t be fooled by instant, internet-based background checks. Go with the leading Michigan volunteer screening and background check service. Call us today for a free consultation. We want your event to be as safe and protected as possible.

Michigan volunteer screening, background check on volunteers, event volunteers

Michigan volunteer screening and background checks on volunteers is an essential, affordable process that the experts at ASG can perform to keep your volunteers and attendees safer


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