Background Check for California Employees Require an Expert

When looking into getting a background check for California employees performed, its important to understand that California is among the most restrictive regulatory environments to conduct a background check and California also has some of the most unusual rules on access to public records that are used in any quality background check for California employees.

Background Check for California Employees Require an Expert Unlike many states, California has additional rules about the types of information an employer can use when screening an employee. These rules narrow the scope of what can be looked at and the length of time that an employer can look back. The California court system and public record system is also more difficult than many to get information from. This leads to many instant, web based background checks having to skip over important records because they are simply not available online, but these companies rarely tell you about all the places they are not looking into. Instead, the employer gets a false sense of safety believing that they conduct a thorough background check, when nothing could be further from the truth.

Small businesses in California or those who have remote employees living in California and don’t have a dedicated HR staff are usually at greater risk of getting the employee background check wrong or selecting the wrong employee screening provider to conduct the background check. Let’s face it, as a small business, many things are new and the owner / managers tend to wear many hats. That can lead to HR tasks like conducting a background check for California employees are often done without the luxury of spending a lot of time learning all the nuances of the law and the records that can be used in this process. That’s where ASG comes in. We can walk you through the process, provide the current forms, help you to determine what records to include in any California background check and conduct the screening for you, quickly, legally and cost effectively.

Three Important Points to Consider about any Background Check for California Employees:
  1. Not all employee screening services are alike. If you are looking at screening agency on the web who offers Instant Results and / or costs less that $40, steer clear. You will not get what expect and may get some legal trouble in the process.
  2. You DON’T have to sign a contract or pay a “start up” or initiation fee to work with a quality employee background screening agency.
  3. Don’t go it alone. This is not an area of the law that you want to take a chance with. Contact an agency who takes the time to explain the process to you, lays out all the options and offers real, professional management and review of the process, by licensed private investigators.


If you are looking for a hassle free experience getting a background check for California employees conducted, look no further and call ASG. You will speak to a real investigator who can explain all aspects of what you can do, help you select searches that make sense and work for you and get you the tools to make the whole process safe and simple. We are happy to help.


Background check for California employees requires expert assistance by licensed private investigators who understand the regulations and where to fine the real records



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