4 Reasons for a Corporate Investigation

private investigator corporate servicesCreating and maintaining a successful business takes a lot of effort and responsibility. Even the most diligent workaholic can’t see everything that’s happening within the company at all times. And eventually, simple mistakes can lead to huge losses. That’s why only 25% of businesses make it to the 15-year point. Private investigation can help sort out some issues. But what are some major reasons for a corporate investigation?

Background Checks

Regardless of the industry, almost all businesses conduct some type of background checks on potential and existing employees. Consistent checks are essential for company compliance. However, when that compliance is off, the company can experience chaos ranging from employee altercations to internal theft. A corporate investigation can discover the problem and provide solutions to help everyone feel secure, understand and abide by their specific expectations, and get back to being productive.


According to Pew Research, approximately 60% of women report being verbally or sexually harassed in the workplace by men. That’s compared to 27% of men who report the same issue. The research also states 31% of women falsely accuse other employees, and 34% of men are fired without a full investigation of the offense. While harassment is a huge deal, false allegations and blame are potentially expensive undertakings for any business. It’s also quite hard on the innocent victims. Of course, that’s just one side of the coin since many people, unfortunately, get away with the harassment, especially in higher-level and corporate positions. A professional corporate investigation can discover the root problem and help employers run a tighter and more professional ship by getting rid of the real troublemakers. Your hard-working employees who are there for the right reasons will be grateful as well.

Employee Theft

Approximately 95% of employers admit or report every type of employee theft, and 75% of employees admit to work theft of some type at least once. Some of the most common types of employee theft include petty theft, money laundering, time or schedule theft, bribery, check and credit card fraud, and assets misuse. Since 99.7% of U.S. businesses with paid employees are small businesses, the underdogs are most vulnerable to shady employee practices. Employee theft can result in a whopping $50 billion annual loss for U.S. businesses. Fortunately, running a professional corporate investigation early can help target and stop the offenses before they have you seeing nothing but red.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Merging and acquiring businesses and business assets can be essential for building business strength and security. And in this day and age, the process is very common. However, not knowing exactly what you’re getting into can be an expensive mistake resulting in constant stress and headaches and possibly even bankruptcy or future legal issues. The right private investigator or investigation team can help sort out and discover any suspicious activity or issues such as corporate assets, environmental and financial issues, customer information, and employee benefits or concerns. Give ASG Investigations a call to begin the right corporate investigation for your business needs.

Inhouse misconduct and outside threats impact business every day. There are many reasons a business may need a corporate investigation. Contact ASG today!


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