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Vendor and Contractor Asset Searches

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Safeguard Your Company with Vendor and Contractor Screening

Conduct Vendor and Contractor Asset Searches to Safeguard Your Business

When you are considering contracting with a new person, group, business, or subcontractor, it pays to know everything you can about their history and present, especially when it comes to finances. Even if a trusted third party has already vetted this entity and can vouch for their legitimacy, it’s essential that your company does its own homework. A professional investigator from ASG can conduct thorough vendor and contractor asset searches to safeguard your business.

Why Are Vendor and Contractor Asset Searches Important?

This is your business we’re talking about here. Your investment and your livelihood. The last thing you want is to allow an off-color entity over your threshold to create problems with your brand, reputation, bottom line, and future.

Some companies are legally debarred from awarding contracts to certain entities because of allegations of improper conduct. Hiring a private investigator means you will know before any handshakes are exchanged or contracts are signed whether there is evidence or complete proof of:

  • Fraud
  • Collusion
  • Debarment
  • Mismanagement
  • Influencing a bid process
  • Indictment
  • Criminal record
  • Bankruptcy
  • Foreclosure
  • Aliases
  • Scams
  • So much more
Conduct Vendor and Contractor Asset Searches to Safeguard Your Business
Vetting with vendor and contractor asset searches

Looking Beyond the Information at Hand

It is impossible to for some organizations, especially sole proprietors or small businesses, to manage all the work that needs to be done to keep their enterprise afloat. If you aren’t outsourcing work to a contractor, you may need to align with a vendor to supply inventory or to do work on behalf of your firm.

But you can’t just take a company or person at their word, or assume that every “seal of approval” on someone’s website or presence on social media makes them legit. Vendor and contractor asset searches conducted by professional private investigators uncover the real story about potential work partners.

Why all this effort for a one-time vendor or small-time contractor? Would you invite anyone to join your company as a new hire without reviewing their resume, interviewing them, or checking their references? No, you would not, and due diligence is just as important when it comes to vendors and contractors. Would you share proprietary information with a person you don’t trust? No. With the wrong partners in business, your enterprise will not thrive.

Vendor and Contractor Asset Searches: Par for the Course

You don’t have to see red flags or suspect a vendor or contractor of any underhanded behavior to warrant an asset search. Asset searches can simply be a matter of course before you are willing to award any contracts.

Along the way, you will discover just which vendors are worth your time and investment, sometimes without much background research. Some contractors are unwilling to submit to a screening process, which speaks volumes. But, it is also unfair to judge a vendor or contractor before they have an opportunity to tell their side of the story.

Maybe a divorce had them distracted so the numbers they claimed to bring in have slouched lately. Perhaps there has been an illness, a problem employee, or money issues – these complications do not necessarily indicate that a vendor or contractor is unworthy of your contract. However, being told details about the vendor that they may not otherwise reveal can be an indication that you may potentially align yourself with someone who is not particularly forthcoming. And that kind of behavior can be detrimental to your business in the long run.

Professional Investigator

Why Hire ASG for Vendor and Contractor Asset Searches?

It’s your reputation on the line if an outsourced or contracted entity does something untoward in your name or while affiliated with you. Claiming ignorance of their past is no excuse. You have every opportunity to really get to know a vendor or contractor through asset searches conducted by a private investigator.

At ASG, we offer private vendor and contractor asset searches to help you make the best decision for your company, employees, customers, and reputation. For more information, contact an experienced member of our team.


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