It’s What You Know: How Private Investigators Can Help Attorneys Win More Cases

If Your Legal Team is Looking for Case Assistance From A Professional Investigator, Look No Further! Our Offices in Novi, Birmingham and Clinton Township Allow Us to Support All of Our Attorney Clients in The Metro Detroit Area. Call Us Today at (855) 997-2800 To Discuss Our Attorney Services!

How Private Investigators Can Help Attorneys Win More Cases

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“The leading rule of the lawyer, as for the man of every calling, is diligence.” Abraham Lincoln

Aside from legal expertise, exercising diligence or being thorough is, perhaps, the greatest asset to an attorney’s case. Having unrivaled background information and intelligence about your opponent, key witnesses, hostile experts and even your own client can make even the toughest cases winnable.

That explains why lawyers spend an average of 20 percent of their time conducting legal research, according to the Legal and Technology survey report, compiled by the American Bar Association. The report also shows that attorneys turn first to free online research services before using fee-based services. In fact, 37 percent say they start with a general search engine such as Google or Bing, before accessing bar-sponsored research services.

Of course, paralegals are often charged with relieving the research burden from attorneys. But what is the best use of their time? Since the law is continually morphing and reacting to the world around it, researching judicial reviews that determine how laws can be interpreted and finding precedents that support legal arguments is where paralegals can and should play a key role.

In other words, digging up background information and actionable intelligence is better left to the experts – a professional investigative agency.

We’re Better Than Google

Information is abundant these days. With a few keystrokes, we can access a multitude of data on every imaginable topic. However, simple database searches and googling does not provide the same quality of usable information and actionable intelligence that a professional background check can reveal. A deep-dive background check conducted by an expert investigative agency will typically include little-known public records, multiple data aggregators, open-source intelligence (OSINT) searches, human intelligence (HUMINT) gathering, deep internet and social scraping, and more.

Just as importantly, this intelligence gathering can be done quickly and affordably, freeing up both your and your paralegals’ valuable time to focus on the law. The specialized skills of a professional investigator can supplement your legal work to create stronger cases, support a theory, and provide integral details that a simple search cannot provide.

For example, professional investigators are experts at uncovering the “soft” facts that aren’t provided by hard data, including a person’s weaknesses, mistakes, proclivities, connections, relationship activities and more. Having this inside knowledge can help you engage in targeted depositions, discovery sessions and negotiations from a position of strength.

We’re an Asset to Your Team

Good attorneys know that outsourcing strategic research and information-gathering to a professional investigative agency is the smart move, no matter what type of case you’re working on, legal matter you’re managing, or clients you’re representing. Working with a reputable, experienced investigative agency ensures that all work is done within the confines of the law, so documentation and evidence that is gathered can be used in court, mediation, or negotiations.

ASG Investigations has a long-standing reputation for producing high-quality legal investigations for attorneys, as well as additional attorney services, such as:

  • Asset searches – gathering information about tangible assets and collectible assets.
  • Litigation support – establishing and documenting the facts of a case to support your efforts.
  • Tracking down witnesses, taking statements and conducting interviews.
  • Undertaking computer forensics.
  • Identifying spoliation of evidence.
  • Conducting thorough background checks.
  • Doing surveillance.
  • Completing probate research – locating heirs, tracking genealogy, and verifying relationships.
  • Investigating intellectual property – tracking down patents, product diversions, and parallel importation, as well as channel checking and trademark clearances.
  • Performing collectability investigations, pre-litigation asset searches and fraudulent conveyance investigations so you and your client know whether suing is worth the time and expense.

We Provide Exceptional Results

Professional investigative services, legal investigations, and support for attorneys go above and beyond any research that a paralegal, administrative assistant, or general legal database could ever accomplish. At ASG Investigations, our legal service support group understands the investigative needs of attorneys and what constitutes proper evidence and chain of custody. Allow our experts to provide exceptional results and intelligence for your cases by uncovering valuable information through our attorney services investigations.

Contact ASG Investigations today at (855) 997-2800 to discuss your investigative needs.



“ABA Survey Says for Research, Lawyers Turn First to Free Sources,” by Robert Ambrogi, ABA Survey Says, LawSites, 2015.


Accredited PBSA

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