Discretion Expertise Results

Attorney Services

Fact Based Investigations

We Find Info That Others Can’t

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Discreet and Professional Investigative Services

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Our Services

Asset Searches

A comprehensive and confidential way to uncover collectible assets.


Locating witnesses and defendants both domestically and abroad.

Civil Litigations Support

Transcend the traditional boundaries of litigation support.

Probate Research

Assistance in determining and finding rightful heirs of an estate.

Attorney Services

Good attorneys know that outsourcing strategic research and information-gathering to a private investigator is the smart move, no matter what type of case they’re working on, the legal matter they’re managing, or the clients they are representing. The specialized skills of a professional investigator supplement legal work to create a stronger case, support a theory, and provide integral details. The work is all done within the confines of the law, so documentation and evidence that is gathered can be used in court, mediation, or negotiations. ASG has a long-standing reputation for producing high-quality legal investigations for attorneys as well as additional attorney services.

Asset Searches

Lawsuits and legal matters are often about money. Asset searches shed light on relevant parties or entities, and ASG is often called upon to gather information about tangible assets and collectible assets, conduct research for divorce asset searches, and carry out asset searches for executive hires and vendors, and contractors.

Litigation Support

Whether family law, employment law, criminal defense, or otherwise, investigators are an invaluable resource in litigation support, establishing and documenting the facts of a case to support an attorney’s efforts. Outsourcing research and fact-gathering to a professional litigation investigation ensures that all leads and potential avenues for information are exhausted.

Legal Support

ASG’s professional legal investigators are prepared to provide legal support to handle any matter, but some of the most common requests for our services include:

Probate Research, Locating Heirs, Genealogy Experts

Part of dispersing an estate, claimed or unclaimed, involves identifying and locating missing and unknown heirs. This probate research is conducted nationwide to verify relationships, determine potential heirs, and locate beneficiaries.

Intellectual Property Investigations

Intellectual property investigations are a unique challenge because the information that needs to be gathered is often nuanced and intangible. Our domestic and international investigations often focus on patents and product diversion and parallel importation, as well as channel checking, and trademark clearances.

Collectability Investigations Fraudulent Conveyance Investigations

Pre-litigation asset searches, collectability investigations, and fraudulent conveyance investigations let an attorney and client know whether suing is worth the time and expense. If there is no money or assets, or even potential assets, to be collected, the effort would be fruitless.

Client Background Check

As a discerning legal professional, conducting due diligence to make sure that a client is worthy of taking on is essential. Client background checks give you vital information about clients so you know if you can truly help them, whether their complaint is legitimate, and if their case is a good investment of your time and resources.

Outsource Your Legal Investigation to ASG

Professional investigative services, legal investigations, and support for attorneys go above and beyond any research that a paralegal, administrative assistant, or general legal database could ever accomplish. At ASG, our legal service support investigations group understands the investigative needs of attorneys and what constitutes proper evidence and chain of custody. Allow our experts to provide exceptional results and intelligence for your cases by uncovering valuable information through our attorney services investigations. Contact ASG today to discuss your investigative needs.

Over 25 Years of Experience Providing Accurate and Meaningful Results


Accredited PBSA

Private Investigation News & Alerts

Hidden Asset Searches for Debt RecoveryHidden Asset Searches for Debt Recovery
In the complex world of debt recovery, getting back what's owed can be quite a journey, especially when it involves uncovering hidden assets. When people or businesses owe money but dodge payment,...read more ❯
The Importance of Asset Searches in Estate PlanningThe Importance of Asset Searches in Estate Planning
Estate planning is a meticulous process that involves organizing one's financial affairs to ensure a smooth transition of assets to heirs and beneficiaries. An essential component of this process is...read more ❯
A Guide to Asset Searches for AttorneysAsset Searches for Attorneys
In the legal landscape, asset searches have become a critical tool for attorneys navigating complex cases. Whether dealing with divorces, civil litigation, or enforcing judgments, understanding the...read more ❯